Andrea Rochner
Postgraduate Researcher
Centre for Geography and Environmental Sciences
University of Exeter
The Farmhouse
Penryn Campus
Penryn TR10 9FE
About me:
My name is Andrea Rochner and I am currently a PhD candidate in the Physical Geography department, expecting to finish in 2023. My thesis investigates the CO2 exchange between atmosphere and ocean with a focus on the Southern Ocean using a coupled physical-biogeochemical ocean model as well as biogeochemical data assimilation.
Generally I am interested in the role of the ocean within the climate system, interactions between ocean physics and biogeochemistry, and large-scale dynamics. My favourite oceanographic feature are water masses.
For more information and to get in touch, see:
In my project, I investigate the air-sea CO2 flux in the Southern Ocean in the coupled physical-biogeochemical ocean model NEMO-MEDUSA-CICE, which also forms the ocean component of the CMIP6 model UK Earth System Model (UKESM1). Compared to the UKESM1, the ocean model simulates stronger uptake and an opposite seasonal cycle of CO2 flux. I investigate the role of atmospheric forcing and model biases on the magnitude and variability of the CO2 flux.
In the second part of the thesis, I attempt to improve the simulation of the fluxes by assimilating biogeochemical observations using NEMOVAR (a 3D-Var data assimilation scheme). I test the influence of assimilating various remote sensing and in situ observations on the CO2 flux and biogeochemistry.
M.Sc. Physical Oceanography, Universität Hamburg (2015 - 2018)
B.Sc. Geophysics/Oceanography, Universität Hamburg (2012 - 2015)