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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Jon Bennie

Office hours

Monday 3 pm - 4 pm

Tuesday 3 pm - 4 pm

Dr Jon Bennie

Associate Professor
Centre for Geography and Environmental Sciences

DM 3046
University of Exeter
Peter Lanyon Building
Penryn Campus - Treliever Road
Penryn TR10 9FE

Broad research specialisms:

  • Biogeography
  • Spatial Ecology
  • Global Environmental Change
  • Conservation Ecology
  • Urban ecology and light pollution



My research often focuses on issues of spatial scale in the biosphere, and addresses two key questions: (i) how do drivers of change that are occurring at a global scale (e.g. climate change, habitat fragmentation, light pollution) affect plant and animal species at the finer scales of the individual or population – i.e. how does global environmental change scale down to the local level?; and (ii) how do physiological or behavioural responses to environmental change at the level of the organism affect ecological systems at higher levels of ecological complexity – i.e. how do individual effects scale up to determine the persistence and dynamics of populations and metapopulations, community stability and geographical species distributions and global patterns of biodiversity?


Student office hours:

Mondays 3-4pm

Tuesdays 3-4pm

Current students please email me to book a meeting or call in to my office (DM 3046) during these hours.


PhD 2004 Ecology (Durham University)
MSc 1999 Ecology (Aberdeen University)
BA 1997 Geography (University of Cambridge)

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