Dr Jo Wood
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (SOCON project)
Centre for Geography and Environmental Sciences
University of Exeter
Peter Lanyon Building
Penryn Campus - Treliever Road
Penryn TR10 9FE
About me:
I am a physical geographer who uses a range of techniques from meteorology, remote sensing, GIS, fieldwork and statistical modelling to try to understand geomorphic responses to climate change; including, GLOFs, landsliding and glacial recession in mountain environments.
My research focusses on geomorphic, geological and cryospheric response to climate and environmental change in high latitude and montane environments; with a focus on landsliding, glaciation and ice sheet dynamics. I specialise in remote sensing, GIS, eldwork and geostatistics.
I have a BSc (Hons) in Geography from the University of Sheffield and an MSc in Climate Change and Risk Management from the University of Exeter. I also have a PhD from Exeter University where I was looking at the impacts of climate change on the incidence of landslides in the European Alps.
Following my PhD I went on to work at King's College London as a Teaching Fellow in Phsical Georaphy. Here I gained my PG Certificate Academic Practice in Higher Education and became a Fellow of the Higher Education Acadmey.