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Earth and Environmental Sciences

 Pauline Tedesco

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Pauline Tedesco

Centre for Geography and Environmental Sciences

Pauline is a Lecturer of Physical Oceanography at the University of Exeter. After completing her PhD in Marine Physics at the University of Western Brittany, in France, she carried out postdoc positions for a few years in the UK, before joining Exeter in 2024. Pauline is interested in understanding the mechanisms constraining the ocean circulation and its response to climatic variability. These include the drivers of ocean circulation, such as the winds and tides injecting energy at large scales, and the processes redistributing these energy sources in space and across scales, ultimately down to the microscale mixing. She primarily uses state-of-the-art numerical models, resolving the ocean down to about 1 km resolution. She combines models outputs with in situ and remote sensing data to develop a multi-approach analysis -- key for unraveling the ocean dynamics spanning scales of many orders of magnitude. 

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