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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Professor Jamie Shutler

Professor Jamie Shutler

Professor of Earth Observation and Climate

 +44 (0)1326 259212

 Peter Lanyon A085


Peter Lanyon Building, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


I am an ocean and atmospheric scientist with a wide range of interests that exploit satellite Earth observation, in situ observations and models to study and monitor land, water and atmosphere environments and interactions, particularly in relation to climate. This includes studying atmosphere-ocean exchange of climatically important gases, carbon accounting, bacterial, biological, viral and chemical water quality and land-water continuum interactions.  My work has covered novel in situ monitoring methods to support aquaculture, through to global analyses of carbon to support policy, through to the design of satellites for the European Space Agency.  I was an invited scientific reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), and I was a lead author for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) decadal vision for integrated ocean carbon research.

My reserach has been featured in the Guardian Environment, BBC news, Al Jazeera TV, Forbes, Higgs, The Daily Mail, The World Economic Forum, contributed to UK parlimentary enquiries (Ocean Acidification, 2017; Sustainable Seas, 2018) and guided international and inter-governmental agencies and research programmes.  My research team (JamieLab) currently comprises 1 post-doctoral research fellows and 7 PhD students.  All of the JamieLab research software is open source and freely available and this includes the FluxEngine python toolbox for calculating atmosphere-ocean gas fluxes.

For teaching my office hours are on Wednesdays: 16:00 until 17:00, and Fridays 09:30 until 10:30 in my office (Peter Lanyon A085)

Broad research specialisms:

  • Satellite Earth observation, remote sensing and mathematical modelling.
  • Physical, biological and biogeochemical oceanography.
  • Bacterial, biological, viral and chemical water quality.
  • Ocean and atmospheric systems.


PhD in statistics and computer vision (University of Southampton)
BEng Electronics (1st class honours, University of Southampton)

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Research interests

My research and projects are focussed on the role that the ocean and atmosphere play in controlling and modulating our climate, and methods for monitoring water quality in support of aquaculture and food security. This pure and applied research is supported by grants from a range of different funders including the European Space Agency (ESA), the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), The UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Crown Estate and the European Union (EU).

Research projects

(2019) EMFF Assessing & mitigating the future risks of harmful algal blooms (HABs) to wild fisheries and aquaculture, expansion to the wider South West (AMHAB2) (Co-I)

(2018) ESA Satellites Oceanographic Datasets for Acidification (OceanSODA) (PI)

(2018) ESA Science for Society (SciSoc) for the SKIM EE9 candidate mission (PI)

(2018) EU Marie Curie International Training Network on smart water quality sensors (AQUASENSORS) (Co-I)

(2017) EMFF Assessing & mitigating the future risks of harmful algal blooms (HABs) to wild fisheries and aquaculture (AMHAB) (Co-I)

(2016) EU BONUS Integrated Carbon and Trace Gas Monitoring in the Baltic (INTEGRAL) (Co-I)

(2016) BBSRC/NERC ShellEye-DEMO: Satellite monitoring for shellfish and finfish aquaculture: Domain expanded; Enhanced resolution; Marine insurance; Other species (Co-I)

(2016) EU Readiness of Integrated Carbon Observing System (ICOS) for Necessities of integrated Global Observation (RINGO)

(2016) ESA Scientific Assessment of Satellite Ocean Glitter (SArONG) (Co-I)

(2015) International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Working Group leader on Air-sea gas fluxes (PI)

(2015) BBSRC/NERC ShellEye: Satellite-based water quality bulletins for shellfish farms to support management decisions (Co-I)

(2015) BBSRC/NERC Minimising the risk of harm to aquaculture and human health from advective harmful algal blooms through early warning (Co-I)

(2014) ESA Pathfinders Ocean Acidification (PI) 

(2014) ESA OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases Evolution (PI)

(2014) Crown Estate, Karenia mikimotoi data re-analysis and synthesis (Co-I)

(2013) ESA High Resolution Data Diagnostic System to study Long-Term Archives of satellite Earth Observations, aka Felyx (Co-I)

(2013) ESA GlobCurrent (Co-I)

(2013) NERC/Defra CArbon/Nutrient DYnamics and FLuxes Over Shelf Systems (CANDYFLOSS) (Co-I)

(2013) NERC/Defra Blue Carbon, Data Synthesis and Management of Marine and Coastal Carbon (DSMMCC) (Co-I)

(2013) NERC Radiatively active gases from the North Atlantic Region and Climate Change (RAGNARoCC) (Co-I)

(2013) NERC Greenhouse gases Deliverable D project, Integration (Co-I)

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Journal articles

Wilkinson R, Mleczko M, Brewin RJ, Gaston KJ, Mueller M, Shutler J, Yan X, Anderson K (In Press). Environmental impacts of Earth observation data in the constellation and cloud computing era. Science of the Total Environment Abstract.
Haywood JC, Fuller WJ, Godley B, Margaritoulis D, Shutler J, Snape RTE, Widdicombe S, Zbinden J, Broderick A (In Press). Spatial ecology of loggerhead turtles: Insights from stable isotope markers and satellite telemetry. Diversity and Distributions: a journal of conservation biogeography
Bange HW, Mongwe P, Shutler JD, Arévalo-Martínez DL, Bianchi D, Lauvset SK, Liu C, Löscher CR, Martins H, Rosentreter JA, et al (2024). Advances in understanding of air–sea exchange and cycling of greenhouse gases in the upper ocean. Elem Sci Anth, 12(1). Abstract.
Anderson K, Brewin RJW, Mleczko MM, Mueller M, Shutler JD, Wilkinson R, Yan X, Gaston KJ (2024). The dark side of Earth observation. Nature Sustainability, 7(3), 224-227.
Shutler JD, Gruber N, Findlay HS, Land PE, Gregor L, Holding T, Sims RP, Green H, Piolle J-F, Chapron B, et al (2024). The increasing importance of satellite observations to assess the ocean carbon sink and ocean acidification. Earth-Science Reviews, 250, 104682-104682.
Seguro I, Marca AD, Shutler JD, Kaiser J (2023). Different flavours of oxygen help quantify seasonal variations of the biological carbon pump in the Celtic Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10
Gaston KJ, Anderson K, Shutler JD, Brewin RJW, Yan X (2023). Environmental impacts of increasing numbers of artificial space objects. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21(6), 289-296. Abstract.
Ford DJ, Tilstone GH, Shutler JD, Kitidis V, Sheen KL, Dall’Olmo G, Orselli IBM (2023). Mesoscale Eddies Enhance the Air‐Sea CO<sub>2</sub> Sink in the South Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(9). Abstract.
Green HL, Findlay HS, Shutler JD, Sims R, Bellerby R, Land PE (2023). Observing Temporally Varying Synoptic‐Scale Total Alkalinity and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Arctic Ocean. Earth and Space Science, 10(12). Abstract.
Brewin RJW, Sathyendranath S, Kulk G, Rio M-H, Concha JA, Bell TG, Bracher A, Fichot C, Frölicher TL, Galí M, et al (2023). Ocean carbon from space: Current status and priorities for the next decade. Earth-Science Reviews, 240, 104386-104386.
Land PE, Findlay HS, Shutler JD, Piolle J-F, Sims R, Green H, Kitidis V, Polukhin A, Pipko II (2023). OceanSODA-MDB: a standardised surface ocean carbonate system dataset for model–data intercomparisons. Earth System Science Data, 15(2), 921-947.
Sims RP, Holding TM, Land PE, Piolle J-F, Green HL, Shutler JD (2023). OceanSODA-UNEXE: a multi-year gridded Amazon and Congo River outflow surface ocean carbonate system dataset. Earth System Science Data, 15(6), 2499-2516.
Shutler JD, Yan X, Cnossen I, Schulz L, Watson AJ, Glaßmeier K-H, Hawkins N, Nasu H (2022). Atmospheric impacts of the space industry require oversight. Nature Geoscience, 15(8), 598-600.
Ford DJ, Tilstone GH, Shutler JD, Kitidis V (2022). Derivation of seawater &amp;lt;i&amp;gt;p&amp;lt;/i&amp;gt;CO&amp;lt;sub&amp;gt;2&amp;lt;/sub&amp;gt; from net community production identifies the South Atlantic Ocean as a CO&amp;lt;sub&amp;gt;2&amp;lt;/sub&amp;gt; source. Biogeosciences, 19(1), 93-115. Abstract.
Friedlingstein P, O'Sullivan M, Jones MW, Andrew RM, Gregor L, Hauck J, Le Quéré C, Luijkx IT, Olsen A, Peters GP, et al (2022). Global Carbon Budget 2022. Earth System Science Data, 14(11), 4811-4900. Abstract.
Ross Brown A, Lilley MKS, Shutler J, Widdicombe C, Rooks P, McEvoy A, Torres R, Artioli Y, Rawle G, Homyard J, et al (2022). Harmful Algal Blooms and their impacts on shellfish mariculture follow regionally distinct patterns of water circulation in the western English Channel during the 2018 heatwave. Harmful Algae, 111, 102166-102166.
Ford DJ, Tilstone GH, Shutler JD, Kitidis V (2022). Identifying the biological control of the annual and multi-year variations in South Atlantic air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> flux. BIOGEOSCIENCES, 19(17), 4287-4304.  Author URL.
Watts J, Bell TG, Anderson K, Butterworth BJ, Miller S, Else B, Shutler J (2022). Impact of sea ice on air-sea CO2 exchange – a critical review of polar eddy covariance studies. Progress in Oceanography, 201, 102741-102741.
Walker D, Shutler JD, Morrison EHJ, Harper DM, Hoedjes JCB, Laing CG (2022). Quantifying water storage within the north of Lake Naivasha using sonar remote sensing and Landsat satellite data. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 22(1), 12-20. Abstract.
Gutiérrez-Loza L, Wallin MB, Sahlée E, Holding T, Shutler JD, Rehder G, Rutgersson A (2021). Air–sea CO<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" id="d1e1512" altimg="si169.svg"><mml:msub><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> exchange in the Baltic Sea—A sensitivity analysis of the gas transfer velocity. Journal of Marine Systems, 222, 103603-103603.
Liu Z, Osborne M, Anderson K, Shutler JD, Wilson A, Langridge J, Yim SHL, Coe H, Babu S, Satheesh SK, et al (2021). Characterizing the performance of a POPS miniaturized optical particle counter when operated on a quadcopter drone. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(9), 6101-6118. Abstract.
Manjakkal L, Mitra S, Petillot YR, Shutler J, Scott EM, Willander M, Dahiya R (2021). Connected Sensors, Innovative Sensor Deployment, and Intelligent Data Analysis for Online Water Quality Monitoring. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(18), 13805-13824.
Watson AJ, Shutler JD, Landschützer P, Woolf DK, Holding T, Goddijn-Murphy L, Schuster U, Ashton IGC (2021). Correcting Net Ocean-Atmosphere CO2 Fluxes for Near-surface Temperature Deviations.
Shutler JD, Zaraska K, Holding T, Machnik M, Uppuluri K, Ashton IGC, Migdał Ł, Dahiya RS (2021). Rapid Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Risk for Fecally Contaminated River Water. ACS ES&T Water, 1(4), 949-957.
Quilfen Y, Shutler J, Piolle J-F, Autret E (2021). Recent trends in the wind-driven California current upwelling system. Remote Sensing of Environment, 261, 112486-112486.
Green HL, Findlay HS, Shutler JD, Land PE, Bellerby RGJ (2021). Satellite Observations Are Needed to Understand Ocean Acidification and Multi-Stressor Impacts on Fish Stocks in a Changing Arctic Ocean. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 8  Author URL.
Brewin RJW, Sathyendranath S, Platt T, Bouman H, Ciavatta S, Dall'Olmo G, Dingle J, Groom S, Jönsson B, Kostadinov TS, et al (2021). Sensing the ocean biological carbon pump from space: a review of capabilities, concepts, research gaps and future developments. Earth-Science Reviews, 217, 103604-103604.
Xiao W, Sheen KL, Tang Q, Shutler J, Hobbs R, Ehmen T (2021). Temperature and Salinity Inverted for a Mediterranean Eddy Captured with Seismic Data, Using a Spatially Iterative Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8
Ford D, Tilstone GH, Shutler JD, Kitidis V, Lobanova P, Schwarz J, Poulton AJ, Serret P, Lamont T, Chuqui M, et al (2021). Wind speed and mesoscale features drive net autotrophy in the South Atlantic Ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment, 260, 112435-112435.
Legge O, Johnson M, Hicks N, Jickells T, Diesing M, Aldridge J, Andrews J, Artioli Y, Bakker DCE, Burrows MT, et al (2020). Carbon on the Northwest European Shelf: Contemporary Budget and Future Influences. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7
Haywood JC, Casale P, Freggi D, Fuller WJ, Godley BJ, Lazar B, Margaritoulis D, Rees AF, Shutler JD, Snape RT, et al (2020). Foraging ecology of Mediterranean juvenile loggerhead turtles: insights from C and N stable isotope ratios. Marine Biology, 167(3). Abstract.
Shutler JD (2020). Offsetting is a dangerous smokescreen for inaction. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18(9), 486-486.
Watson AJ, Schuster U, Shutler JD, Holding T, Ashton IGC, Landschützer P, Woolf DK, Goddijn-Murphy L (2020). Revised estimates of ocean-atmosphere CO2 flux are consistent with ocean carbon inventory. Nature Communications, 11(1). Abstract.
Torres R, Artioli Y, Kitidis V, Ciavatta S, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Shutler J, Polimene L, Martinez V, Widdicombe C, Woodward EMS, et al (2020). Sensitivity of Modeled CO2 Air–Sea Flux in a Coastal Environment to Surface Temperature Gradients, Surfactants, and Satellite Data Assimilation. Remote Sensing, 12(12), 2038-2038. Abstract.
Kitidis V, Shutler J, Ashton I, Warren M, Brown I, Findlay H, Hartman S, Sanders R, Humphreys M, Kivimäe C, et al (2020). Winter weather controls net influx of atmospheric CO2 on the north-west European shelf. Scientific Reports
Brown A, Lowe C, Shutler J, Tyler C, Lilley M (2019). Assessing risks and mitigating impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms on mariculture and marine fisheries. Reviews in Aquaculture, 1-77.
Haywood J, Fuller W, Godley B, Shutler J, Widdicombe S, Broderick A (2019). Global review and inventory: how stable isotopes are helping us understand ecology and inform conservation of marine turtles. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 613, 217-245.
Villas Boas AB, Ardhuin F, Ayet A, Bourassa M, Chapron B, Brandt P, Cornuelle B, Farrar JT, Fewings M, Fox-Kemper B, et al (2019). Integrated observations and modeling of global winds, currents, and waves: requirements and challenges for the next decade. Frontiers in Marine Science
Woolf DK, Shutler JD, Goddijn‐Murphy L, Watson AJ, Chapron B, Nightingale PD, Donlon CJ, Piskozub J, Yelland MJ, Ashton I, et al (2019). Key Uncertainties in the Recent Air‐Sea Flux of CO<sub>2</sub>. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33(12), 1548-1563. Abstract.
Land PE, Findlay H, Shutler J, Ashton I, Holding T, Grouazel A, GIrard-Ardhuin F, Reul N, Piolle J-F, Chapron B, et al (2019). Optimum satellite remote sensing of the marine carbonate system using empirical algorithms in the Global Ocean, the Greater Caribbean, the Amazon Plume and the Bay of Bengal. Remote Sensing of Environment
Ardhuin F, Brandt P, Gaultier L, Donlon C, Battaglia A, Boy F, Casal T, Chapron B, Collard F, Cravette S, et al (2019). SKIM, a Candidate Satellite Mission Exploring Global Ocean Currents and Waves. Frontiers in Marine Science
Shutler JD, Wanninkhof R, Nightingale PD, Woolf DK, Bakker DCE, Watson A, Ashton I, Holding T, Chapron B, Quilfen Y, et al (2019). Satellites will address critical science priorities for quantifying ocean carbon. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18(1), 27-35. Abstract.
Holding T, Ashton IG, Shutler JD, Land PE, Nightingale PD, Rees AP, Brown I, Piolle J-F, Kock A, Bange HW, et al (2019). The FluxEngine air-sea gas flux toolbox: simplified interface and extensions for in situ analyses and multiple sparingly soluble gases. Ocean Science, 15(6), 1707-1728. Abstract.
Holding T, Ashton IG, Shutler JD, Land PE, Nightingale PD, Rees AP, Brown I, Piolle J-F, Kock A, Bange HW, et al (2019). The FluxEngine air-sea gas flux toolbox: simplified interface and extensions for &amp;lt;i&amp;gt;in situ&amp;lt;/i&amp;gt; analyses and multiple sparingly soluble gases. Abstract.
Land PE, Bailey TC, Taberner M, Pardo S, Sathyendranath S, Nejabati Zenouz K, Brammall V, Shutler JD, Quartley G (2018). A Statistical Modeling Framework for Characterising Uncertainty in Large Datasets: Application to Ocean Colour. Remote Sensing
Schmidt W, Evers-King HL, Campos CJA, Jones DB, Miller PI, Davidson K, Shutler JD (2018). A generic approach for the development of short-term predictions of <i>Escherichia coli</i> and biotoxins in shellfish. AQUACULTURE ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS, 10, 173-185.  Author URL.
Pereira R, Ashton I, Sabbaghzadeh B, Shutler JD, Upstill-Goddard RC (2018). Author Correction: Reduced air–sea CO2 exchange in the Atlantic Ocean due to biological surfactants. Nature Geoscience, 11(7), 542-542.
Henson SA, Humphreys MP, Land PE, Shutler JD, Goddijn-Murphy L, Warren M (2018). Controls on open-ocean North Atlantic ΔpCO2 at seasonal and interannual timescales are different. Geophysical Research Letters
Land PE, Shutler JD, Smyth TJ (2018). Correction of Sensor Saturation Effects in MODIS Oceanic Particulate Inorganic Carbon. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(3), 1466-1474.
Schmidt W, Raymond D, Parish D, Ashton I, Miller PI, Campos CJA, Shutler J (2018). Design and operation of a low-cost and compact autonomous buoy system for use in coastal aquaculture and water quality monitoring. Aquacultural Engineering, 80C, 28-36.
Pereira R, Ashton I, Sabbaghzadeh B, Shutler JD, Upstill-Goddard RC (2018). Reduced air–sea CO2 exchange in the Atlantic Ocean due to biological surfactants. Nature Geoscience, 11(7), 492-496.
Duffy JP, Pratt L, Anderson K, Land PE, Shutler JD (2018). Spatial assessment of intertidal seagrass meadows using optical imaging systems and a lightweight drone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 200, 169-180. Abstract.
Duffy J, Shutler J, Witt M, DeBell L, Anderson K (2018). Tracking fine-scale structural changes in coastal dune morphology using kite aerial photography and uncertainty-assessed Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry. Remote Sensing Abstract.
Brewin RJW, de Mora L, Billson O, Jackson T, Russell P, Brewin TG, Shutler JD, Miller PI, Taylor BH, Smyth TJ, et al (2017). Evaluating operational AVHRR sea surface temperature data at the coastline using surfers. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 196, 276-289.
Seguro I, Marca AD, Painting SJ, Shutler JD, Suggett DJ, Kaiser J (2017). High-resolution net and gross biological production during a Celtic Sea spring bloom. Progress in Oceanography
Duffy J, Cunliffe A, DeBell L, Sandbrook C, Wich S, Shutler JD, Myers-Smith IH, Varela MR, Anderson K (2017). Location, location, location: Considerations when using lightweight drones in challenging environments. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
Ritter R, Landschutzer P, Gruber N, Fay AR, Iida Y, Jones S, Nakaoka S, Park GH, Peylin P, Rodenbeck C, et al (2017). Observation-based Trends of the Southern Ocean Carbon Sink. Geophysical Research Letters
Anderson K, Griffiths D, DeBell L, Hancock S, Duffy JP, Shutler JD, Reinhardt WJ, Griffiths A (2016). A Grassroots Remote Sensing Toolkit Using Live Coding, Smartphones, Kites and Lightweight Drones. PLOS ONE, 11(5).  Author URL.
Goddijn‐Murphy L, Woolf DK, Callaghan AH, Nightingale PD, Shutler JD (2016). A reconciliation of empirical and mechanistic models of the air‐sea gas transfer velocity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(1), 818-835. Abstract.
Ashton IGC, Shutler JD, Land PE, Woolf DK, Quartly GD (2016). A sensitivity analysis of the impact of rain on regional and global sea-air fluxes of CO2. PLoS One
Pope A, Wagner P, Johnson R, Shutler JD, Baeseman J, Newman L (2016). Community review of Southern Ocean satellite data needs. Antarctic Science, 29(2), 97-138. Abstract.
Brewin RJW, de Mora L, Jackson T, Brewin TG, Shutler J (2016). Correction: on the Potential of Surfers to Monitor Environmental Indicators in the Coastal Zone. PLOS ONE, 11(9).
Warren MA, Quartly GD, Shutler JD, Miller PI, Yoshikawa Y (2016). Estimation of Ocean Surface Currents from Maximum Cross Correlation applied to GOCI geostationary satellite remote sensing data over the Tsushima (Korea) Straits. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 6993-7009.
Shutler JD, Land PE, Piolle JF, Woolf DK, Goddijn-Murphy L, Paul F, Girard-Ardhuin F, Chapron B, Donlon CJ (2016). FluxEngine: a flexible processing system for calculating atmosphere-ocean carbon dioxide gas fluxes and climatologies. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33(4), 741-756. Abstract.
Woolf DK, Land PE, Shutler JD, Goddijn‐Murphy LM, Donlon CJ (2016). On the calculation of air‐sea fluxes of CO<sub>2</sub> in the presence of temperature and salinity gradients. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(2), 1229-1248. Abstract.
Shutler JD, Quartly GD, Donlon CJ, Sathyendranath S, Platt T, Chapron B, Johannessen JA, Girard-Ardhuin F, Nightingale PD, Woolf DK, et al (2016). Progress in satellite remote sensing for studying physical processes at the ocean surface and its borders with the atmosphere and sea-ice. Progress in Physical Geography, 40, 215-246. Abstract.
Rödenbeck C, Bakker DCE, Gruber N, Iida Y, Jacobson AR, Jones S, Landschützer P, Metzl N, Nakaoka S, Olsen A, et al (2015). Data-based estimates of the ocean carbon sink variability - First results of the Surface Ocean pCO<inf>2</inf> Mapping intercomparison (SOCOM). Biogeosciences, 12(23), 7251-7278. Abstract.
Brewin RJW, de Mora L, Jackson T, Brewin TG, Shutler J (2015). On the Potential of Surfers to Monitor Environmental Indicators in the Coastal Zone. PLoS ONE, 10(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Shutler JD, Warren MA, Miller PI, Barciela R, Mahdon R, Land PE, Edwards K, Wither A, Jonas P, Murdoch N, et al (2015). Operational monitoring and forecasting of bathing water quality through exploiting satellite Earth observation and models: the AlgaRisk demonstration service. Computers and Geosciences, 77, 87-96. Abstract.
Land PE, Shutler JD, Findlay H, Girard-Ardhuin F, Sabia R, Reul N, Piolle J, Chapron B, Quilfen Y, Salisbury JE, et al (2015). Salinity from space unlocks satellite-based assessment of ocean acidification. Environmental Science & Technology  Author URL.
Goddijn-Murphy LM, Woolf DK, Land PE, Shutler JD, Donlon C (2015). The OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases methodology for deriving a sea surface climatology of CO2 fugacity in support of air–sea gas flux studies. OS, 11(4), 519-541.  Author URL.
Land PE, Shutler JD, Platt T, Racault MF (2014). A novel method to retrieve oceanic phytoplankton phenology from satellite data in the presence of data gaps. Ecological Indicators, 37(PART A), 67-80. Abstract.
Warren MA, Taylor BH, Grant MG, Shutler JD (2014). Data processing of remotely sensed airborne hyperspectral data using the Airborne Processing Library (APL): Geocorrection algorithm descriptions and spatial accuracy assessment. Computers and Geosciences, 64, 24-34. Abstract.
Land PE, Shutler JD, Bell TG, Yang M (2014). Exploiting satellite earth observation to quantify current global oceanic DMS flux and its future climate sensitivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(11), 7725-7740. Abstract.
Hoffmann S, Shutler J, Lobbes M, Burgeth B, Meyer-Bäse A (2013). Automated analysis of non-mass-enhancing lesions in breast MRI based on morphological, kinetic, and spatio-temporal moments and joint segmentation-motion compensation technique. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2013(1), 1-10.  Author URL.
Land PE, Shutler JD, Cowling RD, Woolf DK, Walker P, Findlay HS, Upstill-Goddard RC, Donlon CJ (2013). Climate change impacts on sea-air fluxes of CO2 in three Arctic seas: a sensitivity study using Earth observation. Biogeosciences, 10(12), 8109-8128. Abstract.
Shutler JD, Land PE, Brown CW, Findlay HS, Donlon CJ, Medland M, Snooke R, Blackford JC (2013). Coccolithophore surface distributions in the North Atlantic and their modulation of the air-sea flux of CO<inf>2</inf> from 10 years of satellite Earth observation data. Biogeosciences, 10(4), 2699-2709. Abstract.
Taberner M, Shutler J, Walker P, Poulter D, Piolle J-F, Donlon C, Guidetti V (2013). The ESA FELYX High Resolution Diagnostic Data Set System Design and Implementation. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-7/W2, 243-249.
Shutler JD, Davidson K, Miller PI, Swan SC, Grant MG, Bresnan E (2012). An adaptive approach to detect high-biomass algal blooms from EO chlorophyll-a data in support of harmful algal bloom monitoring. Remote Sensing Letters, 3(2), 101-110. Abstract.
Tilstone GH, Peters SWM, van der Woerd HJ, Eleveld MA, Ruddick K, Schönfeld W, Krasemann H, Martinez-Vicente V, Blondeau-Patissier D, Röttgers R, et al (2012). Variability in specific-absorption properties and their use in a semi-analytical ocean colour algorithm for MERIS in North Sea and Western English Channel Coastal Waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 118, 320-338. Abstract.
Saux Picart S, Butenschön M, Shutler JD (2012). Wavelet-based spatial comparison technique for analysing and evaluating two-dimensional geophysical model fields. GMD, 5(1), 223-230.  Author URL.
Tilstone GH, Angel-Benavides IM, Pradhan Y, Shutler JD, Groom S, Sathyendranath S (2011). An assessment of chlorophyll-a algorithms available for SeaWiFS in coastal and open areas of the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(9), 2277-2291. Abstract.
Shutler JD, Smyth TJ, Saux-Picart S, Wakelin SL, Hyder P, Orekhov P, Grant MG, Tilstone GH, Allen JI (2011). Evaluating the ability of a hydrodynamic ecosystem model to capture inter- and intra-annual spatial characteristics of chlorophyll-<i>a</i> in the north east Atlantic. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 88(2), 169-182.  Author URL.
Shutler JD, Miller PI, Grant MG, Rushton E, Anderson K (2010). Coccolithophore bloom detection in the north east Atlantic using SeaWiFS: Algorithm description, application and sensitivity analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114(5), 1008-1016. Abstract.
Davidson K, Miller P, Wilding TA, Shutler J, Bresnan E, Kennington K, Swan S (2009). A large and prolonged bloom of Karenia mikimotoi in Scottish waters in 2006. Harmful Algae, 8(2), 349-361.  Author URL.
Shutler JD, Land PE, Smyth TJ, Groom SB (2007). Extending the MODIS 1 km ocean colour atmospheric correction to the MODIS 500 m bands and 500 m chlorophyll-a estimation towards coastal and estuarine monitoring. Remote Sensing of Environment, 107(4), 521-532. Abstract.
Miller PI, Shutler JD, Moore GF, Groom SB (2006). SeaWiFS discrimination of harmful algal bloom evolution. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(11), 2287-2301.  Author URL.
Shutler JD, Nixon MS (2006). Zernike velocity moments for sequence-based description of moving features. Image and Vision Computing, 24(4), 343-356. Abstract.
Shutler JD, Smyth TJ, Land PE, Groom SB (2005). A near-real time automatic MODIS data processing system. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(5), 1049-1055. Abstract.
Nixon MS, Carter JN, Shutler JD, Grant MG (2002). New Advances in Automatic Gait Recognition. Information Security Technical Report, 7(4), 23-35.  Author URL.


Chuanmin, H. Sathyendranath, S. Shutler, J. D. Brown, C. W. Moore, T. S. Craig, S. E. Soto, I. Subramaniam A (2014). Detection of Dominant Algal Blooms by Remote Sensing. In Sathyendranath S (Ed) Phytoplankton Functional Types from Space, 39-70.  Author URL.
Shutler J (2013). OC-Flux—Open Ocean Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes from Envisat in Support of Global Carbon Cycle Monitoring. In  (Ed) Remote Sensing Advances for Earth System Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 69-79.  Author URL.
Shutler JD, Grant MG, Nixon MS, Carter JN (2004). On a Large Sequence-Based Human Gait Database. In  (Ed) Applications and Science in Soft Computing, Springer Nature, 339-346.


Hoffmann S, Shutler J, Lobbes M, Burgeth B, Meyer-Bäse A (2012). Automated analysis of single and joint kinetic and morphologic features for non-masses. Independent Component Analyses, Compressive Sampling, Wavelets, Neural Net, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering X.
Ngo D, Zavala O, Shutler J, Lobbes M, Lockwood M, Meyer-Bäse A (2012). Spatio-temporal feature extraction for differentiation of non-mass-enhancing lesions in breast MRI. Independent Component Analyses, Compressive Sampling, Wavelets, Neural Net, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering X.
Shutler JD, Grant MG, Miller PI (2005). Towards spatial localisation of harmful algal blooms; statistics-based spatial anomaly detection. Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XI.
Grant MG, Shutler JD, Nixon MS, Carter JN (2004). Analysis of a Human Extraction System for Deploying Gait Biometrics. 6th IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, 2004.
Shutler JD, Nixon MS, Harris CJ (2000). Statistical gait description via temporal moments. 4th IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation.


Arico S, Arietta JM, Bakker DCE, Boyd PW, Cotrim da Cunha L, Chai L, Dai F, Gruber N, Isensee K, Ishii N, et al (2021). Integrated ocean carbon research: a summary of ocean carbon research, and vision of coordinated ocean carbon research and observations for the next decade. UNESCO and the International Oceanographic Comission,  online, UNESCO, Paris.  45 pages.

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External Engagement and Impact

Awards/Honorary fellowships

Honorary Fellow of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (2023-2027)

European Space Agency Research Fellow (2009-2011)

Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science affiliated researcher (2009-2010)

Committee/panel activities

Member of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory Science Advisory Committee (SAC) (2021-present)

NERC Peer Review College (2010-present)

ESA Sentinel 3 validation team Ocean Colour sub-group (S3VT-OC)

ESA Sentinel 3 validation team Altimetry sub group (S3VT-ALT)

ESA Mission Advisory Group (MAG) member for the candidate EE9 satellite mission SKIM (2017-2019)

Editorial responsibilities

Associate Editor for EGU Biogeosciences

Associate Editor for Frontiers in Marine Science

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Undegraduate modules

GEO1420 (module convenor) - Atmospheric and oceanic systems, the interactions and importance

GEO1416 (team taught) - 1st year Environmental Science tutorials

GEO2461 (team taught) - 2nd year Environmental Science tutorials

BIO1433 (team taught) - (Introduction to) Marine biology



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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Dr Daniel Ford (atmosphere-ocean exchange of carbon and the ocean sink)

Postgraduate researchers

  • Andrea Rochner (Southern ocean biogeochemistry and modelling)

Research Technicians

  • Sayooj Prabhakaran Nair (ocean acidification and marine heat waves)


  • Dr Ian Ashton (atmosphere-ocean gas fluxes)
  • Josh Blannin (Atmosphere-ocean exchange of carbon and the ocean sink)
  • Sophie Corrigan (coastal and estuarine atmosphere-water gas fluxes)
  • Maddy Davey (water quality in drinking water reservoirs)
  • Dr James Duffy (drones for coastal environmental monitoring)
  • Joao Lucas Eberl Simon (Drones for remote sensing, sensor deployment and water sampling of toxic environments)
  • Dr Daniel Ford (biological control of net community production and atmosphere-ocean gas exchange)
  • Hannah Green (satellite observations of Ocean Acidification in the Arctic)
  • Dr Julia Haywood (marine turtle behaviour from stable isotopes, satellite telemetry, and environmental observations)
  • Dr Tom Holding (atmosphere-ocean gas fluxes in the Arctic and Atlantic)
  • Dr Zixia Liu (atmospheric measurements using drones for air quality)
  • Dr Wiebke Schmidt (biological and bacterial water quality)
  • Dr Isabel Seguro Requejo (shelf sea primary production and oxygen)
  • Jack Stephens (flooding and coastal processes of the Mekong)
  • David Walker (water quality and health in Lake Navaisha)
  • Jennifer Watts (atmosphere-ocean gas exchange and drones in the Arctic ocean)
  • Wuxin Xiao (water column structure from turbulence measurements)

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Office Hours:

Wednesdays: 16:00 until 17:00, and Fridays 09:30 until 10:30 in my office (Peter Lanyon A085)

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