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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Liam Reinhardt

Dr Liam Reinhardt

Senior Lecturer

 +44 (0) 1326 371868

 Peter Lanyon A084


Peter Lanyon Building, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


My research focuses on landscape scale responses to environmental change over a wide range of time scales. This research encompasses topics as diverse as the growth of mountains ranges over millions of years and late Holocene catchment response to climate change or large-scale mining activities. Much of my current research hinges on the realisation that life and landscape are inextricably linked though feedbacks across a range of scales. The landscape in which most of us live arose not through the incremental working of abiotic physical processes but through the interaction and modification of these processes by ‘life’, be it human or otherwise.


BSc (UCC, Ireland),
PhD (Glasgow, Scotland)

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Research interests

My research interests lie in the broad field of landscape response to perturbations over a wide range of time scales. My research encompasses topics as diverse as the growth of mountains ranges over millions of years and late Holocene catchment response to a) storm track changes linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation, and b) land use change in French Alps. I am very interested in the theory of complexity science and how it might inform prediction of landscape responses to perturbations. Methodologically, I have applied a wide range of field based techniques such as cosmogenic nuclide erosion rate estimation and optically stimulated luminescence depositional age measurement together with advanced statistical modelling to investigate landscape development.

Research projects

Much of my current research hinges on the realisation that life and landscape are inextricably linked though feedbacks across a range of scales. The landscape in which most of us live arose not through the incremental working of abiotic physical processes but through the interaction and modification of these processes by ‘life’, be it human or otherwise. I am currently leading a project that aims to place human activities such as mining and agriculture into the geomorphic paradigm of process and form. If successful this project will provide a framework for understanding and predicting landscape development in response to land use change over decades to centauries.

Research networks

Member of NSF funded LIFE (Linked Institutions for Future Earth) with a focus on Earth surface system vulnerability

Contributed to two  White paper submissions to the National Research Council on the future of Earth Surface studies in the USA.

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Journal articles

Anderson K, Griffiths D, DeBell L, Hancock S, Duffy J, Shutler J, Reinhardt W, Griffiths A (In Press). A grassroots remote sensing toolkit using live coding, smartphones, kites and lightweight drones. PLoS One Abstract.
Reinhardt WJ, orme LC, Jones RT (In Press). Aeolian sediment reconstructions from the Scottish Outer Hebrides: Late Holocene storminess and the role of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Holocene, 132, 15-25. Abstract.
Wood J, Harrison S, Turkington T, Reinhardt L (In Press). Landslides and synoptic weather trends in the European Alps. Climatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change
Harrison S, Kargel JS, Huggel C, Reynolds J, Shugar DH, Betts RA, Emmer A, Glasser N, Haritashya UK, Klimes J, et al (2018). Climate change and the global pattern of moraine-dammed glacial lake outburst floods. The Cryosphere
Harrison S, Kargel JS, Huggel C, Reynolds J, Shugar DH, Betts RA, Emmer A, Glasser N, Haritashya UK, Klimeš J, et al (2017). Climate change and the global pattern of moraine-dammed glacial lake outburst floods. Abstract.
Orme LC, Charman DJ, Reinhardt L, Jones RT, Mitchell FJG, Stefanini BS, Barkwith A, Ellis MA, Grosvenor M (2017). Past changes in the North Atlantic storm track driven by insolation and sea-ice forcing. Geology, 45(4), 335-338. Abstract.
Orme LC, Reinhardt L, Jones RT, Charman DJ, Croudace I, Dawson A, Ellis M, Barkwith A (2016). Investigating the maximum resolution of µXRF core scanners: a 1800 year storminess reconstruction from the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, UK. Holocene, 26(2), 235-247. Abstract.
Singh A, Reinhardt L, Foufoula-Georgiou E (2015). Landscape reorganization under changing climatic forcing: Results from an experimental landscape. Water Resources Research, 51(6), 4320-4337. Abstract.
Wood JL, Harrison S, Reinhardt L (2015). Landslide inventories for climate impacts research in the european alps. Geomorphology, 228, 398-408. Abstract.
Reinhardt L, Ellis MA (2015). The emergence of topographic steady state in a perpetually dynamic self-organized critical landscape. Water Resources Research, 51(7), 4986-5003. Abstract.
Jones RT, Reinhardt LJ, Dearing JA, Crook D, Chiverrell RC, Welsh KE, Vergès E (2013). Detecting climatic signals in an anthropogenically disturbed catchment: the late-Holocene record from the Petit Lac d'Annecy, French Alps. Holocene, 23(9), 1329-1339. Abstract.
Reinhardt L, Jerolmack D, Cardinale B, Vanacker V, Wright J (2010). Dynamic Interactions of Life and its Landscape: feedbacks at the interface of geomorphology and ecology. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35, 78-101. Abstract.
Murray B, Lazarus E, Ashton A, Baas A, Coco G, Coulthard T, Fonstad M, Haff P, McNamara D, Paola C, et al (2009). Geomorphology, complexity, and the emerging science of the Earth's surface. Geomorphology(103), 496-505. Abstract.
Paola C, Straub K, Mohrig D, Reinhardt L (2009). The “unreasonable effectiveness” of stratigraphic and geomorphic experiments. Earth-Science Reviews, 97, 1-43. Abstract.
Reinhardt LJ, Hoey TB, Barrows TT, Dempster TJ, Bishop P, Fifield LK (2007). Interpreting erosion rates from cosmogenic radionuclide concentrations measured in rapidly eroding terrain. EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, 32(3), 390-406.  Author URL.
Reinhardt LJ, Bishop P, Hoey T, Dempster T, Sanderson D (2007). Quantification of the transient response to base-level fall in a small mountain catchment: Sierra Nevada, southern Spain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface(112). Abstract.
Reinhardt L, Dempster T, Shroder J, Persano C (2007). Tectonic denudation and topographic development in the Spanish Sierra Nevada. Tectonics(26). Abstract.


Schnabel C, Reinhardt L, Barrows TT, Bishop P, Davidson A, Fifield LK, Freeman S, Kim JY, Maden C, Xu S, et al (2007). Inter-comparison in <SUP>10</SUP>Be analysis starting from pre-purified quartz.  Author URL.
Schnabel C, Reinhardt L, Bishop P, Davidson A, Fifield LK, Freeman S, Maden C, Xu S (2005). Inter-comparison in <SUP>10</SUP>Be analysis starting from pre-purified quartz.  Author URL.

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I am the programme director of the BSc and MSci in Environmental Science and a Senior fellow in the Higher Education Academy



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Supervision / Group

Postgraduate researchers

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Office Hours:

Term 2 2024

My weekly open office hours are Mondays 3.30-4.30 pm and Fridays 2-3 pm. I have no open office hours during reading week 6 but I am happy to hold a Teams meeting as needed.

During these hours please feel free to drop by my office without making an appoinment: if you think the issue will take a long time then please email ( so I can block out more of the hour for you. If you prefer to meet on Teams please tell me at least one day in advance so i can setup the meeting. 

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