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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Sahran Higgins

Dr Sahran Higgins

Industrial Impact Fellow: Flood Resilience and Biodiversity

 Environment and Sustainability Institute 1.03


Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK



Broadly, I’m a landscape ecologist working at the intersection of nature and humans. My interests in this area are diverse but interlinked and are reflected in my research to date: spanning the evolutionary and microbial to spatial and temporal patterns at the landscape scale. I currenlty work on a multi-partner, multi-sector project with Kevin Gaston, Karen Anderson and Richard Brazier. This nature recovery project spans the research – practitioner gap to support the restoration of key priority habitats and improve biodiversity and community access to nature through the development and delivery of a management plan. We use remote sensing and other automated technology to monitor biodiversity change. I will be developing this work further to explore how remote sensing applications can be utilised to determine natural capital baselines at sites undergoing shifts in land management to support biodiversity gains. I am particularly interested in rewilding, nature recovery and how people interact with these; freshwater ecology and emerging methods for monitoring biodiversity (e.g. eDNA; acoustic monitoring of 'soundscapes').  

I also work with Prof Will Gaze's group exploring how landscape factors (e.g land cover, catchment characteristics ; weather; diffuse and point source pollution) impact the risk of exposure to antimicrobial resistance exposure at UK coasts. This builds on previous research on the landscape and catchment level factors contributing to the risk of human exposure to antibiotic resistant bacteria in coastal waters of Hong Kong. This was supported by the Environment, Sustainability and Resilience (ENSURE) joint research centre, between Exeter and Chinese University of Hong Kong for applied interdisciplinary research.

Previous Research: I hold a PhD in Evolutionary Ecology (University of Exeter) and have a background in the public sector freshwater ecology and water quality . I have worked on several large, pan-European projects with the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of Exeter Medical School. This research focussed on how species rich natural spaces interact with human health and in understanding the nexus between ecosystem services, climate change and health. 


PhD Evolutionary Ecology (University of Exeter)

BSc (Hons) Ecology (1st Class)

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Journal articles

Morrissey KM, Espuny F, Williamson P, Higgins S (In Press). A small area estimation model of comorbidity for England. Lancet, The, Volume 388, Special Issue, S80
Wood SL, Demougin PR, Higgins S, Husk K, Wheeler BW, White M (In Press). Exploring the relationship between childhood obesity and proximity to the coast: a rural/urban perspective. Health and Place, In press
Alcock I, White M, Wheeler B, Lovell R, Higgins S, Osborne N, Husk K (In Press). What Accounts for 'England's green and pleasant land'? a panel data analysis of mental health and land cover types in rural England. Labdscape and Urban PLanning
Kruize H, Van der Vliet N, Staatsen B, Bell R, Chiabai A, Muiños G, Higgins S, Quiroga S, Martinez-Juarez P, Yngwe MA, et al (2019). Urban Green Space: Creating a triple win for environmental sustainability, health, and health equity through behavior change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16
Higgins S, Thomas F (2019). Urban freshwaters, biodiversity and human health and wellbeing: setting an interdisciplinary research agenda. WIREs Water, 6
Chiabai A, Quiroga S, Martinez-Juarez P, Higgins S, Taylor T (2018). The nexus between climate change, ecosystem services and human health: Towards a conceptual framework. Sci Total Environ, 635, 1191-1204. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wheeler BW, Lovell R, Higgins SL, White MP, Alcock I, Osborne NJ, Husk K, Sabel CE, Depledge MH (2015). Beyond greenspace: an ecological study of population general health and indicators of natural environment type and quality. Int J Health Geogr, 14 Abstract.  Author URL.
Alcock I, White MP, Lovell R, Higgins SL, Osborne NJ, Husk K, Wheeler BW (2015). What accounts for ‘England’s green and pleasant land’? a panel data analysis of mental health and land cover types in rural England. Landscape and Urban Planning, 142, 38-46.
Lovell R, Wheeler BW, Higgins SL, Irvine KN, Depledge MH (2014). A systematic review of the health and well-being benefits of biodiverse environments. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev, 17(1), 1-20. Abstract.  Author URL.
Clark NE, Lovell R, Wheeler BW, Higgins SL, Depledge MH, Norris K (2014). Biodiversity, cultural pathways, and human health: a framework. Trends Ecol Evol, 29(4), 198-204. Abstract.  Author URL.
Higgins SL, Hosken DJ, Wedell N (2009). Phenotypic and genetic variation in male genitalia in the seedbug, <i>Lygaeus equestris</i> (Heteroptera). BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, 98(2), 400-405.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ, Taylor ML, Hoyle K, Higgins S, Wedell N (2008). Attractive males have greater success in sperm competition. Curr Biol, 18(13), R553-R554.  Author URL.
Foggo A, Higgins S, Wargent JJ, Coleman RA (2007). Tri-trophic consequences of UV-B exposure: Plants, herbivores and parasitoids. Oecologia, 154(3), 505-512. Abstract.


Wheeler. B, Higgins S, Lovell R, White M, Alcock I, Husk K, Osborne N, Sabel C, Depledge M (2014). Beyond Greenspace: Natural Environments for Health and Wellbeing.

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Tuesday - Thursday

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