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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Hannah Hughes

Office hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays 0930-1600

Dr Hannah Hughes

Associate Professor

DDM 3136, Penryn Campus
Penryn Campus
Camborne School of Mines
Penryn TR10 9FE

Hannah is Associate Professor in Exploration and Mining Geology at the Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter. Her research focusses on nickel, cobalt and the platinum-group elements in various magmatic and ore deposit settings. She researches the metal budget of the mantle and the underlying controls of mineralisation in the crust through space and time. She has further research pursuits in the generation and mitigation of gases in igneous rocks, particularly hazardous in some underground mines. Her PhD (Cardiff University) and postdoctoral fellowships (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) brought about close collaborations with industry, particularly with companies working in the North Atlantic region, southern Africa, and Scandinavia, and she continues to work closely with a range of companies through her current work. Hannah is Programme Director for the undergraduate Geology Programmes and teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate (MSc) levels including topics of economic geology, geochemistry and igneous petrology, geographic information systems (GIS), and field and mapping skills including underground mine mapping.

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