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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Pete Roy Siegfried

Postgraduate Researcher

I am studying towards PhD in a part time capacity, while continuing my geological consulting activities as Director and Consulting Geologist of GeoAfrica Prospecting Services based in Namibia and Portugal. This company provides exploration and geological services to the minerals industry. I've had a lot of experience in Industrial Mineral deposits including REE, fluorite, apatite, graphite, kyanite, scandium, garnet, HMS and lithium amongst others. I've been consulting since 1989 and have never been happier. Acting as Qualified person I've also been involved in a number of IPO listings. These were supported by authored Technical Reports. The focus of my studies here at CSM, however, is 'what happens within the critical zone where carbonatites and related rocks are exposed to weathering?. I am being led by Frances Wall and Kate Moore in these studies. We all recently collaborated on the successful HiTechAlkCarb project looking at new ways to explore better and deeper for critical metals hosted in carbonatites.

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